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Prayer of the Goodness of God

Lord, we thank you for you are the Good Shepherd, Our Shepherd. You keep us safe and you lead and guide us into all righteousness. You are our God. In your goodness you give us courage and encouragement for our times of doubt, when we realize our limitations, our shortcomings, when we accept our weaknesses…when we need to be made strong in you. We thank you for your word that heals us and protects us from ourselves when we are angry and unsettled, for your word that humbles us when we began to think too highly of ourselves, for your word that convicts and corrects us when we are wrong. Lord, your word teaches us daily of your goodness, as we learn how to live peaceably with ourselves and others, as we receive you as the joy of our life and the strength of our salvation. You have taught us that goodness is more than silver and gold; true goodness lies in you…your love…your mercy…your grace…your patience…your longsuffering… your forgiveness…your peace…in your rest…Now that’s goodness! It is here that we are able to see you at work in our lives in all things and at all times. In your goodness, we desire in our heart and thirst in our soul for more of you.

Father, for such a time as this when things are uncertain and unsure, you bless us to know that in you “All is Well.” There’s a blessed assurance that lies in you…our holy and righteous God…one who will not…cannot fail. You are our Good God. Lord in our time of trial and tribulation you know our name…you hear us when we call. 2 Chronicles 20:15 assures us that the battles are not ours to fight but that they belong to you our Most High God. Nahum 1:7 says “The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows those who take refuge in Him.” You are our good God for you go before us against the enemy.

There will come a day when the righteous and the unrighteous will stand before you, thank you for your grace and for your measure of faith and hope that you have laid upon us. As the war rages between good and evil…it is you who will judge the heart of man.

God you are good. Thanks you for your perspective. It is here that we are able to love and treat others as you have loved and cared for us. It is here that we’re called to be more like you. And for that…We thank you…Our Lord…Our God. You are magnificent…you are mighty…you are strong…most of all you are GOOD. Amen!

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